Phrasal Verb Fun

This is the second edition, revised and over 70% bigger than the first one.
Most people think that phrasal verbs, verbs with more than one word, are hard to learn. As students, we are given lists and lists of them to memorize, and we usually find the whole thing boring, complicated, and really hard to remember.
This book is different. There are no lists and there is nothing to memorize. Instead, there are over 600 little stories, one for each verb. The fact is that phrasal verbs are not a logical system, designed by some maniac a few centuries ago. No. There is simply something that grew up naturally.
Most natives don't even know the expression phrasal verbs. We never learn at school. We know the difference between chopping down a tree and then chopping it up. We also know that when a building burns down, it is the same as when it burns up. Neither do we ever confuse put up your cousin with put up with him
If you use this book for about ten minutes every day, I money-back guarantee that in about ten days you will know more about phrasal verbs than 99% of all non-native teachers who teach English for a living.
I also promise you that you will have fun doing it.

Reviews for the first edition, which was Kindle only
Phrasal verbs are usually a nightmare for us. Often we try out the "uncommon common sense" just to come to the wrong meaning, fools rush in where angels fear to tread. So I am very grateful to the author as he shows a natural way to learn those damned little things. - jartiblisimo (Spain)
It's a brilliantly conceived book, not only the short stories really stick in your head and help your memory in recalling all those verbs, but also enables the reader to get all the subtle shades of a verb which a non-native speaker fails to appreciate most of the times. - haunted85 (Italy)

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